
Day of Remembrance
22nd February 2025 12pm
Chesterfield town centre regeneration update
Major work to regenerate Chesterfield town centre is progressing well since the start on site this year. This newsletter features updates about our 'Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield' project, keeping residents and businesses up to date with what’s happening.
Pension Credit
Pension Credit tops up pension income and can help with day-to-day living costs. If you are over State Pension age, you may be eligible to Claim Pension Credit, even if you own your home or have savings. Click link above for more information.
Outstanding Female Disability Champion Award 2024
Deaf-initely Women CEO Wins Award & Launches Fundraising Campaign We are proud to announce that Teresa Waldron, CEO of Deaf-initely Women, has won the Outstanding Female Disability Champion Award 2024 at the Women’s Awards East Midlands. Teresa, who is Deafblind, said: “I believe in the charity sector – we make a real difference. This award is for all Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard-of-Hearing women.”
Links CVS - We're making some changes
From 1st October 2024 we're making some operational changes at Links due to funding cuts. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this period. Our goal remains to support the community effectively, even with limited resources. Opening Hours The Links office will be open as follows: 10am-3pm | Tuesday to Friday. Read More by clicking link above.
Save Our Sector Impact Report
In direct response to the proposed cuts to discretionary funding which will affect voluntary and community organisations (VCSE) across Derbyshire, Derbyshire Voluntary Action hosted an interactive event to explore the potential impact of these cuts to the health and wellbeing of communities across Derbyshire. The event held in partnership with Chesterfield Football Club was at capacity with directly impacted VCSE organisations, the wider VCSE sector and key supportive stakeholders.
Library service - have your say
You can now have your say on a number of proposals which if agreed will change the way we run parts of our library service. The library service proposals are set out in our new draft Derbyshire Public Library Service Strategy 'A Modern Library Service for Derbyshire' which we unveiled last month. The aim of the proposals is to keep library buildings open as well as creating a modern, agile, family-friendly and sustainable service across the county. The proposed changes would also support necessary budget savings and reflect changing patterns of library use while ensuring the service remains as accessible, efficient and cost-effective as possible.