Climate Change

Climate change


We’re dedicating this page to Climate Change. Here at Links CVS we believe that by tackling climate change we can help improve the standard of living for everyone in our community. By supporting change, we can all help benefit our areas by providing:

  • Cleaner air and improved health (the rise of pollutants in cities and towns has been linked to poor health).
  • Better access to green spaces, providing pockets of peace and play-space to improve mental health as well as letting our wildlife thrive.
  • Better public transport provisions - reducing air pollution and keeping us safe and connected.
  • More safe and accessible cycle and walking routes, limiting our dependance on public transport
  • Eco-heating provisions so we can end fuel poverty and poorly insulated homes.


Latest News

Local News


Wake up to Water! Flood Action Group

Have you been affected by flooding in Chesterfield?

One woman has lost her life and others have lost their belongings, income, sense of security in their own homes to say nothing of trust in a caring society. What does the future hold for the residents who moved back into Tapton Terrace having moved 9 times after their evacuation just over a year ago? 

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Climate Action North East Derbyshire

Britain’s homes are responsible for 14% of our carbon emissions. Retrofitting homes to meet EPC rating C could slash 10M tonnes of emissions and save £8B annually on heating bills. Also, it would help lower cases of childhood asthma.

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Climate Change Archive

Previous Local News


Transition Chesterfield was started in 2008 and since that time has involved hundreds of people in practical projects and activities to raise awareness of climate change and help to make Chesterfield more resilient, sustainable, low-carbon and locally self-sufficient.

Read their latest newsletter and find out all the latest news and events



Everyone’s Talking About Climate Change is a website portal developed by the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire's Local Authorities Energy Partnership & Marches Energy Agency. It is a place to learn more about what is being done to tackle the climate crisis by community groups, individuals and local authorities in Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire

Read their latest newsletter and find out all the latest news and events



Plastic Free Chesterfield is a community campaign dedicated to minimising Chesterfield’s contribution to the single-use plastic crisis. Chesterfield is an accredited Plastic Free Community with Surfers Against Sewage. Visit their website and sign up to their plastic-free pledge!

Links is proud to be a plastic free ally.