Research Engagement Network Development (REND)

ICS Research Engagement Network Development (REND) Programme

Rebalance Project

Research Building Alliances for Action with Community Experts


What is the Rebalance project?

Inequalities exist in service access, experience, and health outcomes.

We know that BME Communities are regularly under-represented in health care, and medical research. They are also often under-served by health and care services. The Rebalance project aims to help 'rebalance' this inequality and the under-representation of BME communities within healthcare research.


Why is it so important?

Without significant participation from disadvantaged groups in health research, results cannot accurately provide appropriate health services for these communities.

The Rebalance project will increase awareness and participation of BME individuals and groups in research to improve the health of local communities.



DHNFT (Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) is the lead partner of the REND Project

Links CVS is the coordinating body for the county element of the project as a result of its long-established trusted working relationships with the culturally diverse BME community groups across Derbyshire.

Project Overview

Phase 1:

The first phase of the project involved Links CVS coordinating a series of community engagement listening events with the BME groups of Derbyshire (these groups make up Derbyshire BME Forum). These listening events took place between February and April 2023. 

The groups involved are:

  • African Caribbean Community Association (ACCA)

  • Asian Association of Chesterfield (Indian, Bangladeshi, and other South Asian communities),

  • Chinese Elders Group

  • Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group,

  • Chesterfield Senegambia Association

  • North Derbyshire Refugee Support Group

  • Chesterfield Muslim Association (predominately Pakistani)

  • Chesterfield Polonia (Polish) Association

  • Verba (Ukrainian) Group.


In addition, Links CVS is working in partnership with the BME Forum to:

(1) Carry out community assets mapping in relation to facilities, support provisions, and talents that are currently in existence amongst the culturally diverse BME communities in Derbyshire;

(2) Co-produce the culturally sensitive community outreach programme which includes the establishment of the BME community research network and the recruitment and training of community researchers as a sustainable mechanism to support the engagement of local BME residents in participating clinical trials and medical research.

Phase 2:

In the second phase of the REBALANCE Project, the focus is on the following objectives:

  1. Increasing access and opportunities for involvement and participation in research by underserved communities
  2. Embedding the established Research Engagement Network as an integral part of the Integrated Care System to help tackle inequalities in health outcomes, experience, and access.
  3. Enabling Integrated Care System partner organisations sponsoring or hosting health and care research to create culturally safe and inclusive environments for diverse participation.

For more information on NHS research projects, head over to NHS - Be Part of Research


For more information on the Rebalance project at Links CVS, contact Shruti Vispute