In direct response to the proposed cuts to discretionary funding which will affect voluntary and community organisations (VCSE) across Derbyshire, Derbyshire Voluntary Action hosted an interactive event to explore the potential impact of these cuts to the health and wellbeing of communities across Derbyshire.
The event held in partnership with Chesterfield Football Club was at capacity with directly impacted VCSE organisations, the wider VCSE sector and key supportive stakeholders.
VCSE organisations want to work in collaboration with Derbyshire County Council to find appropriate solutions to the current challenges.
We hope this report will be considered and play an influential role in the decision making process.
This Report has been circulated to all VCSE partners, all Derbyshire MPs, Claire Ward Mayor, Derbyshire County Council Cabinet members and elected members.
Thank you to everyone who provided information to support this report. If we haven’t included your facts or quotes please be assured we’ll be using them elsewhere during our continued campaign.