Previous News from Local Authorities

Keep warm this Winter
From Monday 31 October 2022, they will be opening some of their buildings as warm spaces, with more due to open soon.

Warm spaces fund increased We’ve increased the amount available to charities, community and voluntary groups to set up warm spaces across Derbyshire this winter. Read More
Warm spaces venue
Derbyshire County Council funded warm spaces
Cost of living support
You can can get the latest news, advice and information about the Cost of Living support on offer by signing up to our emails.
Extension of Household Support Fund (October 2022 – March 2023)
The Household Support Fund (HSF) grant funding has been provided to the Council by the Department for Work and Pensions twice already to cover the periods October 2021 to March 2022, and April 2022 to September 2022.
Cost of Living Small Grant Fund
In response to the cost-of-living crisis, Derbyshire County Council has made funds available to support the continuity and additional provision of services in the voluntary and community sector during winter 2022-23.
Cost of Living Funding
Derbyshire County Council Warm Spaces Funding
Derbyshire County Council has been developing an approach to Warm Spaces in response to the cost of living crisis that will impact our communities this winter.
Press release
Derbyshire County Council Gives £782,000 Cost of Living Support

Our latest Cost of Living special edition of the NEWS magazine is out now and you can read it online.
Previous News from other groups/resources
The legacy of the rising cost of living is still being felt by many people.
While some pressures are easing, for instance fuel prices falling and summer meaning less reliance on heating for some, there are still many Derbyshire households who are feeling the impacts.
Citizens Advice North East Derbyshire
Cost of Living Survey
Utility Aid has launched their National Charity Tender!
Utility Aid manages energy 'baskets' containing thousands of properties across the UK
Did you know Christians Against Poverty provide resources to help with money and debt?
Financial help and grants available
If you are starting to worry how you are going to make ends meet, then please take a look at our cost of living financial help pages.
A Helping Hand with the Cost of Living
To help residents and businesses in our district with the cost of living crisis
Love Food Hate Waste
Tips for re-using food, saving money and reducing waste from the Love Food Hate Waste campaign.
Queen’s Park Sports Centre in Chesterfield is asking residents to continue to donate items to their food bank appeal to help local people.
The centre is asking residents to give what they can afford to allow other local families who need support to have the supplies
National Lottery Community Fund
The National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF) are administering £76m of this funding on behalf of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. The Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund (CCLF) will support organisations across England to deliver critical front-line services.
Help for Households
There is help for millions of households with the cost of living
Better Housing Better Health
Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) is a not-for-profit service run by the National Energy Foundation
Did you know Top 5 Energy Consuming Appliances
Priority Service Register
Bolsover Community and Voluntary Service
VCSE Cost of Living Impact and Funding Survey
Thank you to all the organisations that have responded to date.
As several key policy and funding meetings are taking place over the next week, if you would like to add your voice to the final report please complete it as soon as possible.
Chesterfield Foodbank Newsletter
Over the period 1 January-31 March 2023 the foodbank fed 2914 adults and children (the total for the same period last year was 1901) reflecting a 53% increase in need.
A huge ‘thank you’ and well done to everyone involved at the foodbank distribution centres across Chesterfield.
Morrisons has partnered with Kellogg’s
This Easter Morrisons has partnered with Kellogg’s to launch a breakfast club where the whole family can request a free bowl of cereal
Cost of Living Grants
In response to the crisis hitting so many families right now we've launched this new fund, to provide emergency essentials that support the physical and mental well-being of children who are struggling.
These could include food, clothing and household energy costs, but we'll also consider anything that helps meet children's most basic needs.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
These findings can help us to understand the current situation and future prospects for poverty in the UK.
One in five households with pre-payment meters have not cashed in their energy vouchers issued to help pay bills.
Deaf Initely Women
Cost of living survey
Household bills and council tax are going up. It is likely that our energy bills will go up again in April 2023.
The Co-op Warm Spaces Funding Boost offers up to £3,000 of financial support to charities and community projects across the UK.
Help for every household
There are over 40 schemes to help with the cost of living
Cost of Living Help
Rural Action Derbyshire can provide energy advice, and signpost you services such as community oil buying schemes, help with the cost of heating oil and energy bills.
Warm Spaces
Warm Welcome Spaces come in all different shapes and sizes, from a homework club in a local church on a Tuesday, to over an over 65s community centre drop-in on a Wednesday and library co-working desk open all weekend. Just enter your postcode and requirements to find the right Space for you!
A guide to improving energy efficiency in community buildings
Help for Households
Find out what offers are available from businesses to help with the cost of living.
Cost of living tips:
Your personalised guide to saving money
National Grid Funding
Grants of £10,000 - National Grid inviting applications from charities, councils and community groups.
Active Derbyshire
Cost of Living Crisis Grants
Charity Excellence have published a comprehensive list of cost of living crisis grants.
Rural Action Derbyshire
Would you be willing to talk to the BBC?
What are the issues that are important to you in rural Derbyshire?
How Derbyshire charity is tackling cost-of-living crisis and soaring energy bills for rural people
Financial advice - Openwoodgate Perschool
Sign up to Rural Action Derbyshire’s newsletter for information and advice on how they are helping Village Halls and Community Halls with the Cost of Living Crisis
Cost of Living Payment
Guidance on getting an extra payment to help with the cost of living if you’re entitled to certain benefits or tax credits.